Hey, we're glad you're back at our blog, dear UX/UI designer! After successfully writing about the best UI fonts in 2022, we're switching to the key differences between Figma and Adobe XD!
Choosing the best tool
Choosing the best tool for better UX/UI design software is crucial. And by choosing wisely, you will benefit from the overall experience, workflow, and client collaboration.
Credits Sigmund
Buckle up cause it's a hell of a great topic and will help you decide which will be the best tool to deliver high-quality products.
But first things first, we need to define which is which before learning the key differences between these two giants, Figma vs. Adobe XD.
What Is Adobe XD?
Adobe XD is a vector-based UI/UX design tool you need to design anything from apps to full websites.Designers are leveraging mobile and web features to gain full experience in their design process.
You can use Adobe XD for:
- App Design
- Web Design
- Game Design
- Voice Assistant Design
Design mobile, desktop, and web apps because they require multiple navigation patterns, dynamic interactions, and various screen sizes. The features like responsive resize and prototype make the experience of creating apps easier.

Credits Mika Novo
If you plug in a supported Bluetooth game controller, you may map directly interface components like test game menus, settings, etc.
Use productivity features like Stacks, Padding, scrolling, and more to combine concepts and ideas for your website.
What Is Figma, And What Is It Used For?
Figma is a vector design, an interface, and cloud-based UI/UX design software. Many designers choose it because allows supports team-based design projects. It supports collaborations.
If you are interested in creating full prototyping, web design, and code generation, Figma offers all the elements and tools.
- It supports the Product Design Process online.
- You can create free graphics, icons, and presentations for social media.
- Can create dynamic visuals by accessing hundreds of shapes, colors, and fonts.
- You can make creative, responsive mockups.
- You can use free libraries of content from creators, and you can create your libraries.
- You can design directly in the browser for free.
- There are powerful features for you to customize your design assets.
- The same file you can easily coedit with your teammates.
A handoff code generator
- You may copy, inspect and export CSS from the file to adopt it for Android and iOS.
- Use live device preview to mirror designs on mobile.
- Test how the layouts adapt to different screen sizes by adjusting the frame size.
Also, in Figma, everyone is welcome to share and contribute.
The software is backed by a large community of designers and developers who provide plugins to improve functionality and streamline workflows. In addition, the Figma team is constantly releasing new features and improvements based on user feedback.
Which Are The Main Differences: Figma vs. Adobe XD
With yearly upgrades and developing better features, it is becoming harder to pick which one is the best for you. Comparing these two software tools feels like the clash of titans.The Price.
Individual users can access it for free. If you want to access coworking features, you have to pay for it.
Adobe XD
Adobe XD users have to pay before they use it.
The Supported Platforms
- Desktop: Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Desktop Browsers: You can edit from in any supporting browser and based systems. Clients can preview drafts in desktop browsers.
- Mobile device: View-only mode is available for iOS and Android users.
- Mobile applications: Figma Mirror app emulates mobile devices
Adobe XD
- Desktop: Windows and Mac.
- Desktop Browsers: generates design previews for clients to give feedback.
- Mobile device browsers: generates design previews for clients to provide feedback.
- Mobile application: Adobe XD app emulates live previews for iOS and Android users.
- Multiplayer - Many users can be logged in and edit a document simultaneously.
- Observation mode - You can mirror your teammates' screen to see as they move around a document/draft. It is helpful if you want to watch a client move through a prototype and see if there are any flaws.
- Team libraries - Build design systems for your work that include reusable components, font styles, and color schemes. Make those design systems available to your team, so everyone works with the same elements.
- Automatically save & sync - Each modification to files and design systems will be immediately saved and synced. There will be notifications for any changes made while teammates work on shared projects. All team members will be up to date at all times. You will not need to upload or download files.
Adobe XD
- Coediting - A collaborative "coediting" design beta capability works similarly to Figma's "multiplayer" feature. The only difference is that on Adobe XD, you don't see the live cursors of other designers working on the document.
- Linked assets - When you save a file to the cloud, you can access its styles and components through linking.
- Creative Cloud libraries - You can access and organize assets through CC Libraries, and the features to facilitate collaboration is better than Figma's Team Libraries.
- Frames represent viewports and design sub-elements such as buttons, content sections, and navigation elements. Frames have all the functionalities as artboards have. They can also bring added functionalities to these elements (such as grids and auto-layout).
- Artboards represent viewports that only hold designs - e.g., a phone screen vs. a laptop screen. While prototyping, you can link these artboards together to simulate a user's movement across a site or app. While frames in Figma can do everything artboards do, XD's can't do everything Figma's frames can do.
The Handoff
You can generate CSS, Swift for iOS, and XML for Android. Also, you can copy the CSS or SVG directly. Also, if there is a change in the document, the code will be automatically regenerated.
Adobe XD
XD generates CSS codes, but you must create a developer link first and then open that link in a browser. You'll need to regenerate the link and refresh it when you change the document.
The Final Thoughts
What should you choose in a continuous Figma vs. Adobe XD battle?These titans are pushing each other to improve and step up their game. Designers find it harder to decide which to pick to create a top-quality product since frequently, we see features exclusive to one appear in the other.
Figma will be your best choice if collaboration is important to you and your team. And no other software will be able to compete against it soon. It is also better at frames vs. artboards, responsiveness, auto-layout, and graphic design/UI overall.
But, you have a better chance with Adobe XD if you're already used to Adobe's ecosystem and within the Creative Cloud. Also, regarding auto-animation and voice, Adobe XD is slightly better at prototyping, facilitating its accuracy. Figma vs. Adobe XD? Your choice depends on your needs. It's up to you.
Thanks for reading! Unleash your creativity, and please share with us your experiences!